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Lutzie 43
February 19, 2018

Categories: Golf Invitational ,PFL Scholarship

PFL Scholarship Applications Now Open!

In November of 2016, we opened our first scholarship to the public; The PFL Character Scholarship. To the outside, this means “Prepared for Life,” but to family and those who were close to Philip, it means “Philip Francis Lutzenkirchen.”

The scholarship was put together to equip young people with another tool needed to leave a legacy, in order to further our mission to develop the character of young people through education and real-world application.  This all is tied together with our 43 Lessons to Legacy curriculum, which students must go through before they are eligible to receive a scholarship. Every applicant must choose three lessons from the curriculum that were meaningful to them, as well as provide a small description of how the curriculum has had an impact on their lives.



We believe that one of the most important tools to leaving a legacy is education. Last year, we awarded five $4,300 scholarships to those who we believed used what they learned from the curriculum to better themselves and their legacy. One of our recipients; Kerilyn Dubberly used the curriculum to change her mind set on the challenges she has had in her life from “Why is God doing this to me?” to “How is God working in me and through me?” This personal change is what the scholarship, curriculum and foundation are all about. We are here to help young people, like Kerilyn, grow and mature through life in such a way that builds a legacy. This scholarship is just another way we are working to help young people Live like Lutz, Love Like Lutz, and Lean from Lutz. 

Scholarship applications for this year are open through April 15. If you or someone you know has gone through the 43 Lessons to Legacy curriculum, apply today! Visit our scholarship page to learn more!