
What do donations support?

43 Key Seconds

Preventing what happened to Philip from happening to others on the road. Funds raised help us educate drivers about the dangers of distracted, impaired and unsafe driving through our 43 Key Seconds safe driving initiative. Donations help fund a “43 Key Seconds Safe Driving Talk” and physical 43 Key Seconds keys to drivers to equip drivers with the tools needed to make a behavioral change behind the wheel.

Prepared for Life Scholarships (PFL)

This year, we awarded 15 deserving students our $4,300 PFL Scholarship. These students exemplified what it means to be a positive ambassador for safe driving and embraced our 43 Key Seconds safe driving initiative. With your help, we hope to award more deserving students our $4,300 PFL Scholarship.

Adapted PE Field Days

Philip had a special place in his heart for students with special needs. Our Adaptive PE Field Days allow us to continue his mission. Funds help us to provide students with special needs a fun field day with equipment and games that everyone can participate in! We provide busing, volunteers and everything else needed to ensure the students can have a day they will never forget!
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