What We Do
The Lutzie 43 Foundation exists to reduce the number of distracted driving incidents, ultimately diminishing the number of deaths caused by unsafe driving. The foundation fulfills this mission by encouraging and empowering people to be positive ambassadors for safe driving, carried out through our 43 Key Seconds initiative. We aim to encourage and empower all drivers to be positive ambassadors for safe driving through character development, mentorship and real-world application.
Ensure you have a clear head - one that is not affected by alcohol, drugs, emotions or fatigue.
Have clear hands - send a text, adjust the radio and put all devices away so you can drive hands-free.
Have clear eyes - set your sights on the road ahead. Do not look to the side at a passenger or down at a text.
Finally, click your seatbelt. It’s the law and could save your life!
Our Initiatives
Mike Lutzenkirchen, Philip’s father, spreads the word through the “43 Key Seconds” Talk, which is his honest and courageous discussion of Philip’s life and the car crash that led to his death. In his talk, Mike encourages people to learn from the mistakes his son made, while being inspired by his many positive character attributes.
Request a TalkPrepared for Life (PFL) Scholarship
Philip Francis Lutzenkirchen became a household name during his football career at Auburn, but his impact and legacy extended well beyond his days on the gridiron. As a loving brother, son, friend and devout follower of Christ, he impacted his communities in many ways through service, leadership, mentorship and genuine compassion. Established in Philip’s memory, the PFL (Prepared For Life) Character Scholarship program equips outstanding young adults with the tools and lessons he or she needs to leave a lasting and profound legacy through mentor development, education and scholarship. It is awarded annually to students who have demonstrated outstanding character in the areas of service and leadership, showing these characteristics in their decision to serve as positive ambassadors for safe driving to their peers and in their communities. Our 2023 application is now closed.
PFL Scholarship Interest FormSafeguarding Your Legacy: 43 Key Seconds Curriculum
Shortly after Philip’s passing in 2014, members of Philip’s family and close circle began to think of words and characteristics that described Philip and the type of friend, teammate, brother and son he was. From there, with a character development focus, the 43 Lessons to Legacy Curriculum was built. Each word was authored by people who knew Philip best, including coaches and celebrities that got to know Philip from his spirit on the field. In 2018, we shifted our mission to focus on distracted, impaired and unsafe driving, while keeping Philip at the center of our message. Through this curriculum, we want drivers to learn from the circumstances that lead to Philip’s passing, learn about the dangers of distracted, impaired and unsafe driving, and ultimately become better drivers by developing positive character aspects that Philip embodied.
Take the Curriculum