(770) 565-6494
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Who We Are


The Lutzie 43 Foundation was established in loving memory of Philip Lutzenkirchen, shortly after his death in 2014. The objective of the foundation is to inspire people to make better decisions as drivers and friends, using Philip’s life and legacy to inspire change. The foundation’s motto for drivers is to “Live like Lutz, Love like Lutz, and Learn from Lutz,” reflecting our desire to help others live out the many positive character attributes that Philip displayed, while learning from the circumstances that led to his death.

Meet Philip's Father

The Foundation

Mike Lutzenkirchen

Executive Director

Abby Forristall

Director of Events and Opportunity Management

Bill Butler

Operations Director

Jim Brown

Director of Education and Training

Board of Directors

Mike Lutzenkirchen

Executive Director

Ann Lutzenkirchen

Board Member
Auburn Weekend, Bo Jackson at Auburn Weekend

Vincent “BO” Jackson

Board Member
philip lutzenkirchen, college sports, auburn, miami, family

Katie Meier

Board Member
Nosa, Philip, Emory, National Championship

Nosa Eguae

Board Member
board member, lutzie 43, philip lutzenkirchen

Bill McLellan

Board Member

Bob Penter

Board Member
Brittany Spillman, Lutzie 43 Board Mamber

Brittany Spillman

Board Member
Dave, Lutzie Jan round Table

Dave Anthes

Board Member

Dave Edmondson

Board Member

Scott Simpson

Board Member