Baldwin EMC Case Study


Baldwin EMC is the largest member-owned electric cooperative in Alabama. With 207 employees, Baldwin EMC supplies electric service to more than 82,000 meters throughout Baldwin County and Southern Monroe County in southwestern Alabama.

Challenge: Baldwin EMC’s line workers are responsible for servicing more than 82,000 meters throughout Baldwin County and Southern Monroe County in southwestern Alabama. Every day, crews are put in hazardous situations, not only from working with high voltage electricity but also from distracted, impaired and unsafe driving. Safety is Baldwin EMC’s number one value and the company uses education and training to help protect their employees and the community.

Solution: Baldwin invests significantly in safety education and community initiatives to protect employees and the public. The organization has created safety programs and developed communication strategies to raise awareness in the communities they serve, the message is that paying attention when driving is crucial to everyone’s safety. Mike Lutzenkirchen, founder of the Lutzie 43 Foundation, previously provided employee safety training at Baldwin EMC. When Baldwin learned that Mike launched the 43 Key Seconds initiative, they were quick to purchase 500 co-branded keys for their employees and their family members.

Results: Through the Lutzie 43 Foundation, Baldwin provided employees with a memorable real-world story of the devastating effects of distracted driving and the tools for driving safely, including the valuable visual reminder from the 43 Key Seconds co-branded key.

Quote: “It is important to remember that we are all susceptible to distracted driving. It takes discipline and a conscious effort to stay alert at all times. Partnering with the Lutzie 43 Foundation helped us bring awareness to our employees, and we are so thankful for that.”  Kim Frank, Education and Public Relations Specialist for Baldwin EMC

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