
Meet Douglas Evans, a 2022 PFL Scholarship Winner

I am Douglas Evans, IV, a recent graduate of Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta, Georgia where I was an international baccalaureate student, and a four year athlete. I am honored and humbled to be a recipient of the Prepared For Life (PFL) Scholarship. I would like to thank the Lutzie 43 Foundation for awarding me this scholarship and I am so grateful for what it will allow me to accomplish. Not only does this scholarship allow me to help finance my post secondary education at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) where I will be playing baseball, but it furthers my ability to be an advocate for driving without distractions and to honor Philip’s legacy.

Philip Lutzenkirchen’s story reminds me how a person’s future can be swept away in a matter of seconds. I knew by applying for the PFL Scholarship I would be given the tools to educate others on the dangers of distracted driving through my platform as an athlete. The PFL Scholarship not only educated me about the hazards of distracted driving but it has shown me how important it is to talk about distracted driving in your community. The PFL Scholarship is more than just a scholarship to me. It is a way to hold myself and others accountable for drivers safety which is more important now than ever.

As a little kid I always told my mom how much I couldn’t wait to drive. Just imagining the freedom that came with the open road excited me, but the responsibility didn’t escape me. Once it was close for me to apply for my drivers permit, I remember my mom and dad sitting me down to explain to me how driving wasn’t just a freedom that came with age. This discussion showed me that driving isn’t just about trying to keep myself safe but it is about keeping others around me safe as well. 

I am excited to bring the message of the Lutzie 43 Foundation into my community at FAMU as I start my freshman year. By advocating for driver’s safety, I am able to spread awareness of rules and regulations that can help save a life and give back to others, which is what life is all about.

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