Winning the Prepared for Life (PFL) Scholarship is an incredible honor: one that brought me to tears and one that I am incredibly proud of. There are no words to express how grateful I am to be named as a recipient as I begin my next chapter at the University of Georgia. Being alongside the other intelligent, hardworking, and highly qualified recipients is a blessing.
One lesson I learned as I applied for the PFL Scholarship is the importance of safe driving. It is not only my responsibility to be a safe driver but also to be a safe passenger. Anything can happen whether you think so or not. While I was applying, a car accident occurred in my local Lassiter High School community involving a friend of mine. It was a very tragic situation that left many heartbroken. However, it was so beautiful to see my community come together to raise money for the ones struggling in the hospital and honor the ones who passed. After the accident, Mr. Mike Lutzenkirchen came to my class to discuss the importance of safe driving. In this discussion, he talked about how necessary it is to follow driving laws and be mindful of your safety, as well as, the safety of others in the car. I always knew being a safe driver was important but I never realized that being cautious as a passenger held the same weight.
In the Safeguarding Your Legacy curriculum, the most impactful lesson I learned is one about purpose. To me, purpose is so important because many people question if they have a purpose or what their purpose is. During this chapter, I really began to think about what my purpose is and I found it to be that it is to love others unconditionally. I had to mature at a very young age, and with this maturity came my ability to befriend anyone. It is because of my extroverted nature that I love the people in my life with all my heart. From this lesson about purpose, I have put a new perspective on safe driving. Cars are not toys, and each of us has a purpose to be who we want to be and choose safety. Philip’s legacy pushes me to do the right thing behind the wheel every day and I have the 43 Key Seconds key on my keychain to remind me of what could happen if I do not.
Aside from the lessons I learned throughout this process about safe driving, I also connected to Philip on a familial level. After reading many articles about his death and his family, one that stuck out to me the most was one that his little sister, Abby wrote. In this writing of hers, she describes her unbreakable bond with Philip. I connected to what she wrote on a deeper level than I ever thought possible. On July 7th, 2007 I was placed under the guardianship of Donna Green. Over the past 18-ish years, Donna has become my mother and her children, my siblings. My mom has three kids of her own: Doug, Debbie, and Delsa. My family has been my inspiration over the past 18 years. This is one thing I connected to the most as I applied for the PFL Scholarship. I never got the pleasure of meeting Philip before his tragic accident but learning about his legacy and connecting to the relationship he had with his siblings is one of the many things I learned throughout this process. Like Philip, my family means the world to me. I would not be here without them. The perspective of Philip’s family and what they went through after his accident encourages me to be a safe driver. This connection I share is one that I am proud to hold as a PFL Scholarship winner.
Growing up, the things I have accomplished did not come easy. Like I said earlier, I had to mature at a young age and I developed an unwavering ability to set goals and accomplish them. As I embark on this next chapter I will hold the lessons I learned, as well as the connections I have made to Philip’s story close to my heart. In college and in every other aspect of my life, I will continue Philip’s legacy by encouraging and practicing safe driving. But not only safe driving. Through Philip’s story, I have learned that things do not come easy, and one small mistake can ruin all that hard work. Through this process of applying for the PFL Scholarship, I have learned from his mistakes, and as a PFL recipient, sharing his story with those who have not heard it will help me to carry out the legacy he left behind. I centered my whole life around getting into UGA, but now that I have accomplished that goal, I have to set myself to a new goal. That goal will be to change as many lives as I can. I plan to help people see how important their time is on this earth, whether I do that through my major, sharing Philip’s story, or taking care of others when they need help, and being a PFL Scholarship winner makes that goal of mine even more possible.
I am beyond grateful to my family, my community, and my friends for always having my back and to the Lutzenkirchen family for allowing me to be a part of the legacy being a PFL Scholarship winner holds.