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Lutzie 43

Meet Blair Woodley, a 2024 PFL Scholarship Winner

The Prepared for Life (PFL) Scholarship means so much to me mainly because I grew up in an Auburn family, and I would often hear the name Lutzenkirchen as I attended games or watched on television. However, there was one particular day that was special to me. It happened when my family and I attended the annual A-Day game in 2011. I was five years old and at that age I typically had thoughts of Barbie dolls, coloring books, and choosing which stuffed animal I should sleep with that night, but on this day all those thoughts left my mind when I had a brief encounter with number 43, Philip Lutzenkirchen.

Philip Lutzenkirchen with Blair Woodley in 2011.

The only thing broader than his shoulders was his smile and I will always remember the genuine kindness that radiated off him. I remember being wrapped up in this warm, sincere, and loving hug. I only got to talk to him for a few minutes because the line to meet him was so long. He had such a way of making you feel important, like you were the only thing that mattered to him at that moment, and as a little girl that meant everything to me. Every Auburn football game since then, I still look for number 43 on the field.

When I decided to apply for the PFL Scholarship my goal was to of course get some money to help pay for college, but more importantly I genuinely wanted to inspire people to make better decisions as drivers using Philip’s life and legacy. As I completed the course 43 Lessons to Legacy curriculum, took the 43 Key Seconds pledge, and began writing the essays, I started to discuss with my family what I was doing. They then began to tell me about their memories of Philip and his legacy. My aunt told me about the time Lutzie stood up for her after a man made a rude comment about her age. As I heard more of these sweet stories, I began to understand why my cousin named her crazy golden-doodle, Lutz. I started to become aware of why my dad wore his “I Know God’s Working So I Smile” wristband every single day and now knew why my older brothers to this day still wear their Lutzie 43 trucker hats they bought at an Auburn bookstore, almost ten years ago, even though they are faded from years of wear.

Although we had never really discussed it before, I learned that Philip’s life and legacy had not only impacted me but those around me that I love the most. I had already been affected by the motto “Live Like Lutz, Love Like Lutz, and Learn from Lutz” and I was not even aware of it. I am not even sure my family knew it but they had also been impacted by his legacy as well. As I talked with family members and friends about the PFL scholarship and the things we remembered about Philip, it naturally led to discussions about safe driving habits, making good decisions and having a positive impact on others. These topics are important and need to be shared with the people we love the most. We should all agree that we need to speak up and hold others accountable when we see them making decisions that are unsafe. Sometimes these are not easy conversations to have but they are important ones. People do not make mistakes, they make choices; bad choices lead to mistakes.

As I gave my friends a 43 Key Seconds lanyard, it allowed me the opportunity to discuss these important topics with them and enabled me to evaluate myself to make sure I was doing the things necessary to be a faithful representative of the Lutzie 43 Foundation. I realize that I cannot be a change agent for others if I am not holding myself accountable. Having a clear head, clear hands and clear eyes and clicking our seatbelts will always allow us to make better decisions as we drive, and when I look at the 43 Key Seconds lanyard every time I get into my vehicle I am reminded of the legacy of Philip and the foundation started in his memory. It serves as a stark reminder that I need to be an example for those around me.

I am so honored to be a part of the Lutzie 43 Foundation and a recipient of the PFL Scholarship. When I received the call from Mr. Lutzenkirchen to congratulate me on being awarded this scholarship, I was so excited and anxious. But when I talked to him it only took a few minutes before my nerves began to go away, and I was reminded of the same feeling I had as a little girl when I met Philip on the grass at Jordan Hare stadium. Having the opportunity to meet such an incredible family and thank everyone personally is a dream come true. A dream that has been in the making since I was just five years old.